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Automatic nail-blowing and tightening

For the automotive industry, the assembly of engines often requires many bolts to be tightened. When we visit the production site we can see that on the engine assembly line there will be a lot of tightening guns hanging around. As there are many different types of bolts on the engine, some large bolts need to be tightened in advance, while some small bolts can be tightened directly. To ensure that the tightening strength meets the process requirements, automatic tightening guns are employed to ensure a satisfactory
tightening rate.

Automatic nail-blowing and tightening
Automatic nail-blowing and tightening

The solution can replace workers on three production shifts, helping companies save on Iabour costs, soIve recruitment dificuIties, ensure production stabiIity and more. It also saves production beats and promotes overall productivity. Because of the safety of the collaborative arm, it also helps companies to reduce production accidents, improve their automation and ensure controllable product quality.